On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Chad Boeninger <cfboenin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I neglected to say that my Flip is the Mino SD, not HD.  For HD (720 P)
> video, I use my Canon SD780is, and edit with the Canon Zoombrowser software.
> I'm running the zoombrowser software on a 4 year old Gateway laptop.  It
> chuggs, but it gets the job done.  Granted, most of my videos are under 5
> minutes, so the file sizes are not *that* big.

I don't think file size is the issue. I have the same editing problems
with a 5 second HD clip as I do with a 5 minute HD clip.
As others have stated on here before, it's the inherent properties of
the MPEG4 formats and the codecs that make them non-optimal for frame
based editing. I've been told I'm one of the few people "foolish"
enough to attempt to edit directly in HD MP4! I'm of the understanding
that most others covert their camera MP4 files to MPEG2 first before

> I think HD video is ready for the masses, as YouTube has proved. HD editing,
> and all the issues it brings (codecs, system requirements, file size, etc),
> may be a different story.  I'd be curious how much post-production the
> "masses" actually do.

My file sizes have actually dropped after I moved from MPEG2 720x480
to MP4 1280x720, so no complaints there!

As for my editing, I trim and edit the HD MP4 files directly copied
from my Xacti camera. But because my Ulead Pro X2 edit software cannot
output HD MP4 directly, I have to render my final project to 1280x720
MPEG2 and then use Handbrake twice to convert to 1280x720 MP4 for
YouTube, and 480x272 web optimised iPhone/ITouch/iPod compatible MP4
for the podcasters.


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