Alex, you nailed it!! I think I might have heard the live broadcast also 
because when Dibya, my colleague here, mentioned it to me it was very familiar 
to me. I totally didn't think about radio however. And she swears she's seen 
visuals on the same issue -- I don't know, maybe the audio is so convincing 
that you can almost picture it in your head as a video! <<Some people might 
call that schizophrenia though!.>> 

We settled on about 6 videos from those other suggestions -- I think we'll use 
the TAL segment as a thought piece to open the discussion. 

See you at NMM. 


From: "Alex Peterson" <> 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 9:44:53 AM 
Subject: Re: [Videolib] multicultural film series on the them of "Veteran" 

Hi Randy, 

Your question about the documentary film about an Iraq War veteran working with 
Iraqi-American community college students didn't spark anything for me in terms 
of a documentary film -- but I wonder if your colleague is remembering instead 
a radio piece? This American Life did a wonderful story on this topic : 

" Sam Slaven is an Iraq War veteran who came home from the War plagued by 
feelings of hate and anger toward Muslims. This American Life producer Lisa 
Pollak tells the story of the unusual action Sam took to change himself, and 
the Muslim students who helped him do it. (34 minutes)" 

This story, part of the episode "The Devil in Me", originally aired 09.07.2007. 

You can listen to it here: It's 
a great episode -- I remembering listening to it when it originally aired. 


Alexandra Peterson | Marketing Coordinator 
Media Education Foundation 
60 Masonic Street | Northampton, MA 01060 
TEL: 413.584.8500 x2205 | FAX: 413.586.8398 

Find MEF on Facebook , Twitter , and YouTube ! 

On Oct 20, 2010, at 2:29 PM, Randal Baier wrote: 

I wonder if I could enlist the help of folks on this project?: 

1. A colleague of mine in multicultural counseling studies is trying to find a 
documentary film concerning an Iraq War vet trying to understand Islam. It is 
not the film of US military guard Terry Holdbrooks, who converted to Islam. It 
is another related story, about an American Iraqi War vet and Iraqi-American 
community college student meeting and working through their issues and 
differences. Any help would be appreciated. I seem to be striking out with a 
Google-fail brain freeze. 

2. Said colleague would like to use this story as a kind of thematic lead for a 
series of 5-6 films on the theme of "Veteran/Veterans." In this context I think 
veteran can be widely interpreted, from something *about* veterans, in the 
sense of Coming Home perhaps (not a documentary, I realize) to videos more 
conceptual in approach. "Veterans" of immigration conflicts, for instance. 

If any of you have some suggestions I would greatly appreciate any serious 

If any of you have some recent productions that might fit, that would be of 
interest also. 

Randal Baier 
Eastern Michigan University 

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
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VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
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VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
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