Hello, Randal,
Here are a few titles from Bullfrog Films you may want to consider on
the theme of "Veteran/Veterans":
1.  The Good War And Those Who Refused to Fight It - DVD
"A fascinating compelling look at WWII conscientious objectors...Highly
Recommended. Editor's Choice."  * * * * Video Librarian
2.  Sir! No, Sir! - DVD  http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/sir.html
"An impressive presentation...Sir! No Sir! makes a strong case that
history has been rewritten to erase the evidence of veterans'
participation in the antiwar movement. There's a lot of fascinating
material here for viewing, discussion, and, surely, debate. Excellently
filmed, edited, and engineered... Very highly recommended." Library
"***Sir! No Sir! is a compelling tribute to men and women who exhibited
real courage and commitment on a different kind of battlefield--one that
will surely carry resonance... Recommended." Video Librarian's Best
Documentaries of the Year List
"The powerful, profound emotions evoked by Sir! No Sir!, a film about
the spontaneous to begin with, then organized, resistance on the part of
U.S. soldiers to the war in Vietnam remain with you long after the film
is over...In the film talking heads alternate with contemporary
documentary footage. The contrast between the unblemished faces of the
young men and women back when and their sometimes weathered, sometimes
serene present faces is so deeply affecting that finally, it's the
extraordinary moral and physical courage of the individuals who
instinctively and intellectually knew right from wrong that movingly
stays with you, and continues to stay. Highly Recommended." Rebecca
Adler, College of Staten Island, City University of New York,
Educational Media Reviews Online 
3. The Friendship Village - DVD
An international group of veterans builds a village in Vietnam for
children with Agent Orange-related deformities.
Bullfrog Films


From: videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu
[mailto:videolib-boun...@lists.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of Randal Baier
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2:30 PM
To: videolib
Subject: [Videolib] multicultural film series on the them of "Veteran"

I wonder if I could enlist the help of folks on this project?:

1. A colleague of mine in multicultural counseling studies is trying to
find a documentary film concerning an Iraq War vet trying to understand
Islam. It is not the film of US military guard Terry Holdbrooks, who
converted to Islam. It is another related story, about an American Iraqi
War vet and Iraqi-American community college student meeting and working
through their issues and differences. Any help would be appreciated. I
seem to be striking out with a Google-fail brain freeze.

2. Said colleague would like to use this story as a kind of thematic
lead for a series of 5-6 films on the theme of "Veteran/Veterans." In
this context I think veteran can be widely interpreted, from something
*about* veterans, in the sense of Coming Home perhaps (not a
documentary, I realize) to videos more conceptual in approach.
"Veterans" of immigration conflicts, for instance.

If any of you have some suggestions I would greatly appreciate any
serious tips.

If any of you have some recent productions that might fit, that would be
of interest also.

Randal Baier

Eastern Michigan University

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