
I'll be once more available as a mentor :)
I'll be myself pretty busy with some BLAS2/BLAS3 tuning for Hawaii. I'm
also in favor of ideas of projects which don't require a strong knowledge
of the current codebase, such as the GUI autotuning/benchmarking tool. I
think that ViennaCL could also hugely benefit from parameterized FFT
Of course, PyViennaCL is another option.

Best regards,

2014-02-03 Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>:

> Hi guys,
> the Google Summer of Code [1] is approaching. It attracted some great
> contributors in the past, most notably Philippe and Toby, and I hope
> there's more to come. So, guys, please provide your project ideas.
> My experience is that good projects are those which don't require the
> student to understand large parts of the existing code and are easy to
> formulate (but not necessarily easy to accomplish :-P). Although I don't
> see work items on our roadmap nicely fulfilling this optimum, we still
> have at least two neat things to work on:
> The first project I have in mind is the benchmarking GUI we brainstormed
> about in IRC. It's probably a good idea to push out a first working
> version in the next weeks and then let the student work on refinements
> such as a visualization of the results, etc.
> Second, I think PyViennaCL will benefit from another push. Toby, how's
> your availability for a release in February? I have more time now for
> assisting you with the final polishing.
> Something rather generic is the "implementation of algorithms" such as
> additional iterative solvers, etc. Now as the standard matrix and vector
> operations are pretty mature and support multiple backends, this should
> be a pretty fun piece of work :-)
> @Philippe, Toby: How about mentoring this year?
> Best regards,
> Karli
> [1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2014
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