
 > I'll be once more available as a mentor :)

Yeah, great! :-)

> I'll be myself pretty busy with some BLAS2/BLAS3 tuning for Hawaii.

I don't think this is going to be a problem.

> I'm
> also in favor of ideas of projects which don't require a strong
> knowledge of the current codebase, such as the GUI
> autotuning/benchmarking tool.

> I think that ViennaCL could also hugely
> benefit from parameterized FFT kernels...

Vova was working on FFTs back then. Still today we have to face the 
question of whether it's worth the effort. Occasionally I notice that 
users work with FFT, so there certainly is demand for it. On the other 
hand, given that vendor libraries are available, the time is presumably 
better spent on other things...

Best regards,

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