Just another brief thought before I go to bed -- Karl, I'll respond to
your response in the morning ! :)

Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
> The first project I have in mind is the benchmarking GUI we brainstormed 
> about in IRC. It's probably a good idea to push out a first working 
> version in the next weeks and then let the student work on refinements 
> such as a visualization of the results, etc.

Were you thinking of doing this in C++? Because I think it could be a
fun example of using PyViennaCL and Python's various data-plotting
tools.. (In any case, I think it would be good to ship some example code
as well as just tutorial snippets with PyViennaCL). Of course, the C++
interface is probably more ready right now, but it would definitely
provide a good incentive to get a release out ASAP!


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