
 >> Argl, the reason is that I had to do a manual clone of your Boost.NumPy
>> repo and did not change the branch. I don't think it's good to have a
>> patched repo for Boost.NumPy around...
> Ah -- if you do the git submodule update --init command, I think it does
> that for you. In any case, I need to ship boost.numpy with pyviennacl,
> because it's not a standard part of boost, and I need to ship it as a
> static library because it's not included in any public / common
> distributions, as far as I can tell.

There's no doubt about shipping Boost.NumPy. It's more a matter of 
shipping a modified Boost.NumPy or the standard package. I'd prefer to 
ship a standard package and set LIBRARY_TYPE through CMake as needed 
rather than let stupid developers like me check out the wrong branch ;-)

>>> I've also remembered that my own code to compute vector norms using
>>> scheduler calls doesn't work, and that seems to be because I'm building
>>> the expression tree in that case as I do for all other expressions at
>>> the moment, like this:
>>> Assign(Scalar, Norm_2(Vector))
>>> but there doesn't seem to be functionality for that kind of scalar
>>> expression in the scheduler, so that needs fixing. But I'm not sure that
>>> the two issues are related.
>> That might be the cause, because norms are essential in the iterative
>> solvers.
> Sure, but why would a problem with the scheduler calls to the norm
> functions also interfere with the standard API calls, unless there was
> something wrong with the norm computation -- or the norm was in fact 0?
> Since the norm doesn't look to be 0, then perhaps something is wrong in
> the computation of the norm.. but then why wouldn't it have been
> noticed? I'm just using ViennaCL 1.5.1, which works for everyone else!..

Indeed, within the iterative solvers there's no use of the scheduler 
right now...

>> We need to Python's distutils as much as possible and only expose the
>> very least amount of targets. libviennacl would certainly be *the*
>> solution to this problem.
> Yeah. The trade-off at the moment is between memory usage and
> compilation time. Historically, I had fewer targets to build, but that
> ate up many gigabytes of RAM, which is less acceptable than using up
> more minutes of build time -- because ultimately, a user should only
> need to build it once!

True. The solution needs to be in the ViennaCL core, which needs to get 
more lightweight.

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