Hi Karl,

Thanks, Yeah I'll try to mock one up in C++ and see if i can reproduce it.   
(still working in java via javacpp so it can be tough to debug on my end).  
Will send you a C++ snippit soon.



From: Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 7:09:13 PM
To: Andrew Palumbo; ViennaCL-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [ViennaCL-devel] Matrix * Vector CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error

Hi Andrew,

> I've been getting a CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error when I try to do (somthing
> like) the following with A OpenCL Contex in a unit testt:
> viennacl::matrix<double,viennacl::row_major> mxA
> viennacl::vector<double> vecB
> // add some data to both mxA and vecB
> viennacl::vector<double> vecB = viennacl::linalg::prod(mxA, vecB)
> This seems right and everything works when using an OpenMP Context, but
> when I try to read the data off of the GPU in (with in an openCL
> Context)  using backend::memory_read, I get the CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error.

You get a CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error if one of the previous kernels or
data manipulations seg-faulted. Although unlikely, it may also be a
problem with the matrix-vector product kernel. Is there any chance you
can send a working code snippet to reproduce the problem?

Best regards,

> If I dont make the backend::memory_read call, that test will pass,  but
> my next  unit test; A Matrix * Matrix test will fail.
> Does the Vector product or memory_read seem wrong to you?
> Thanks,
> Andy
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