Hi Karl, I was wondering if you'd had a chance to take a look at this?

Any help would be much appreciated.  We're looking to do a mahout release 
shortly and it would be great to have a ViennaCL vector implementation included.

Thank you,


From: Andrew Palumbo <ap....@outlook.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 7:08:49 PM
To: Karl Rupp; viennacl-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [ViennaCL-devel] Fw: Matrix * Vector CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error

Thank you I apologize for the sloppiness.

with the correct compile line, I get:

$ g++ DenseVectorMmul.cpp  -I/usr/include/viennacl/ -lOpenCL -o denseVecs

$ ./denseVecs
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'viennacl::memory_exception'
  what():  ViennaCL: Internal memory error: not initialised!
Aborted (core dumped)



From: Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 6:46:40 PM
To: Andrew Palumbo; viennacl-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [ViennaCL-devel] Fw: Matrix * Vector CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error


these are linker errors. Add -lOpenCL.
If the OpenCL library is not available system-wide, also pass the the
location with the -L flag.


Best regards,

On 09/16/2016 12:08 AM, Andrew Palumbo wrote:
> Apologies for accidentally not replying to the list last email....
> Thank you, Karl, I'd forgotten that because we have that Definition as
> part of the java cpp setup.
> With #define VIENNACL_WITH_OPENCL, though now I'm getting compile
> errors. Are there possibly missing includes?  I've checked this against
> the blas2.cpp example, and don't see any missing.  As well I cant seem
> to find the suggested imports that you recommended several weeks back.
>  I've attached theu pdated .cpp file with the correct #define as well as
> pasted it below the partial error dump.
> Thanks again for your time,
> Andy
> g++ DenseVectorMmul.cpp  -I/usr/include/viennacl/ -o denseVec
> /tmp/ccSoGpk2.o: In function
> `viennacl::ocl::handle_inc_dec_helper<_cl_mem*>::dec(_cl_mem*&)':
> DenseVectorMmul.cpp:(.text._ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP7_cl_memE3decERS3_[_ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP7_cl_memE3decERS3_]+0x17):
> undefined reference to `clReleaseMemObject'
> /tmp/ccSoGpk2.o: In function
> `viennacl::ocl::handle_inc_dec_helper<_cl_program*>::dec(_cl_program*&)':
> DenseVectorMmul.cpp:(.text._ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP11_cl_programE3decERS3_[_ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP11_cl_programE3decERS3_]+0x17):
> undefined reference to `clReleaseProgram'
> /tmp/ccSoGpk2.o: In function
> `viennacl::ocl::handle_inc_dec_helper<_cl_kernel*>::dec(_cl_kernel*&)':
> DenseVectorMmul.cpp:(.text._ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP10_cl_kernelE3decERS3_[_ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP10_cl_kernelE3decERS3_]+0x17):
> undefined reference to `clReleaseKernel'
> /tmp/ccSoGpk2.o: In function
> `viennacl::ocl::handle_inc_dec_helper<_cl_command_queue*>::inc(_cl_command_queue*&)':
> DenseVectorMmul.cpp:(.text._ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP17_cl_command_queueE3incERS3_[_ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP17_cl_command_queueE3incERS3_]+0x17):
> undefined reference to `clRetainCommandQueue'
> /tmp/ccSoGpk2.o: In function
> `viennacl::ocl::handle_inc_dec_helper<_cl_command_queue*>::dec(_cl_command_queue*&)':
> DenseVectorMmul.cpp:(.text._ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP17_cl_command_queueE3decERS3_[_ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP17_cl_command_queueE3decERS3_]+0x17):
> undefined reference to `clReleaseCommandQueue'
> /tmp/ccSoGpk2.o: In function
> `viennacl::ocl::handle_inc_dec_helper<_cl_context*>::inc(_cl_context*&)':
> DenseVectorMmul.cpp:(.text._ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP11_cl_contextE3incERS3_[_ZN8viennacl3ocl21handle_inc_dec_helperIP11_cl_contextE3incERS3_]+0x17):
> undefined reference to `clRetainContext'
> /tmp/ccSoGpk2.o: In function
> `viennacl::ocl::handle_inc_dec_helper<_cl_context*>::dec(_cl_context*&)':
> {....snip.....}
> DenseVectorMmul.cpp:
> #include "viennacl/context.hpp"
> #include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
> #include "viennacl/tools/random.hpp"
> // C_vec = A_dense_matrix %*% B_vec.
> // compile line w/o OpenMP: g++ DenseVectorMmul.cpp
> -I/usr/include/viennacl/ -o denseVec
> int main()
> {
>   // trying to recreate javacpp wrapper functionalliy as closely as possible
>   // so not using typedef, unsigned ints, etc, and defining templates as
> doubles
>   // creating buffers as int/double arrays and then setting pointers to
> them.
>   // (not 100% sure that this is how javacpp passes pointers but should
> be close.)
>   //typedef double       ScalarType;
>   // using unsigned ints here to suppress warnings/errors w/o using
> -fpermissive`
>   // in acuallity, we cast `int`s from jni/javacpp.
>   unsigned int m = 200;
>   unsigned int n = 100;
>   // create an OpenCL context which we will pass directly to the
> constructors
>   // of the Matrix and vector
>   viennacl::context oclCtx(viennacl::OPENCL_MEMORY);
>   double A_values[m * n] = {0};
>   viennacl::tools::uniform_random_numbers<double> randomNumber;
>   for (int i = 0; i < m * n; i++) {
>     A_values[i] = randomNumber();
>   }
>   double* A_values_ptr = A_values;
>   // this is currently the constructor that we're using through
> scala/javacpp.
>   const viennacl::matrix<double,viennacl::row_major>
>                        A_dense_matrix(A_values_ptr, oclCtx.memory_type()
> , m, n);
>   double B_values[n] = {0};
>   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
>     B_values[i] = randomNumber();
>   }
>   double* B_values_ptr = B_values;
>   // this is currently the constructor that we're using through
> scala/javacpp.
>   viennacl::vector<double> B_vec(B_values_ptr, oclCtx.memory_type(), n,
> 0, 1);
>   // perform multiplication and pass result to a vector constructor
>   viennacl::vector<double> C_vec(viennacl::linalg::prod(A_dense_matrix ,
> B_vec));
>   // print out vec
>   std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << C_vec << std::endl;
>   // just exit with success for now if there are no runtime errors.
>   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 15, 2016 5:14:36 PM
> *To:* Andrew Palumbo; ViennaCL-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* Re: [ViennaCL-devel] Matrix * Vector CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error
> Hi,
>> Attached and below is the the matrix and vector setup that I'm using
>> from scala.
>> I've also attached it as DenseVectorMmul.cpp.
>> When i the snippet below, I get the following error:
>> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'viennacl::memory_exception'
>>   what():  ViennaCL: Internal memory error: not initialised!
>> Aborted (core dumped)
> you need to either
> at the very top or add
> to your compiler call.
> Best regards,
> Karli
>> #include "viennacl/matrix.hpp"
>> #include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
>> #include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
>> #include "viennacl/tools/random.hpp"
>> #include "viennacl/context.hpp"
>> // C_vec = A_dense_matrix %*% B_vec.
>> // compile line w/o OpenMP: g++ DenseVectorMmul.cpp
>> -I/usr/include/viennacl/ -o denseVec
>> int main()
>> {
>>   // trying to recreate javacpp wrapper functionalliy as closely as possible
>>   // so not using typedef, unsigned ints, etc, and defining templates as
>> doubles
>>   // creating buffers as int/double arrays and then setting pointers to
>> them.
>>   // (not 100% sure that this is how javacpp passes pointers but should
>> be close.)
>>   //typedef double       ScalarType;
>>   // using unsigned ints here to suppress warnings/errors w/o using
>> -fpermissive`
>>   // in acuallity, we cast `int`s from jni/javacpp.
>>   unsigned int m = 200;
>>   unsigned int n = 100;
>>   // create an OpenCL context which we will pass directly to the
>> constructors
>>   // of the Matrix and vector
>>   viennacl::context oclCtx(viennacl::OPENCL_MEMORY);
>>   double A_values[m * n] = {0};
>>   viennacl::tools::uniform_random_numbers<double> randomNumber;
>>   for (int i = 0; i < m * n; i++) {
>>     A_values[i] = randomNumber();
>>   }
>>   double* A_values_ptr = A_values;
>>   // this is currently the constructor that we're using through
>> scala/javacpp.
>>   const viennacl::matrix<double,viennacl::row_major>
>>                        A_dense_matrix(A_values_ptr, oclCtx.memory_type()
>> , m, n);
>>   double B_values[n] = {0};
>>   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
>>     B_values[i] = randomNumber();
>>   }
>>   double* B_values_ptr = B_values;
>>   // this is currently the constructor that we're using through
>> scala/javacpp.
>>   viennacl::vector<double> B_vec(B_values_ptr, oclCtx.memory_type(), n,
>> 0, 1);
>>   // perform multiplication and pass result to a vector constructor
>>   viennacl::vector<double> C_vec(viennacl::linalg::prod(A_dense_matrix ,
>> B_vec));
>>   // print out vec
>>   std::cout << "ViennaCL: " << C_vec << std::endl;
>>   // just exit with success for now if there are no runtime errors.
>>   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Andrew Palumbo <ap....@outlook.com>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 14, 2016 9:49:32 PM
>> *To:* Karl Rupp; ViennaCL-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>> *Subject:* Re: [ViennaCL-devel] Matrix * Vector CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error
>> Hi Karl,
>> Thanks, Yeah I'll try to mock one up in C++ and see if i can reproduce
>> it.   (still working in java via javacpp so it can be tough to debug on
>> my end).  Will send you a C++ snippit soon.
>> Thanks,
>> Andy
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 14, 2016 7:09:13 PM
>> *To:* Andrew Palumbo; ViennaCL-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>> *Subject:* Re: [ViennaCL-devel] Matrix * Vector CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error
>> Hi Andrew,
>>> I've been getting a CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error when I try to do (somthing
>>> like) the following with A OpenCL Contex in a unit testt:
>>> viennacl::matrix<double,viennacl::row_major> mxA
>>> viennacl::vector<double> vecB
>>> // add some data to both mxA and vecB
>>> viennacl::vector<double> vecB = viennacl::linalg::prod(mxA, vecB)
>>> This seems right and everything works when using an OpenMP Context, but
>>> when I try to read the data off of the GPU in (with in an openCL
>>> Context)  using backend::memory_read, I get the CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error.
>> You get a CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error if one of the previous kernels or
>> data manipulations seg-faulted. Although unlikely, it may also be a
>> problem with the matrix-vector product kernel. Is there any chance you
>> can send a working code snippet to reproduce the problem?
>> Best regards,
>> Karli
>>> If I dont make the backend::memory_read call, that test will pass,  but
>>> my next  unit test; A Matrix * Matrix test will fail.
>>> Does the Vector product or memory_read seem wrong to you?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andy
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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