Mikkel Krøigård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Mikkel

>>   http://viff.dk/tmp/viff-0.3.win32.exe
>> The manual describes it as a self-extracting zip archive, so I assume
>> that it simply contains the .py files. Would somebody who runs
>> Windows please try it out and report back what happens?
> I have just installed it and run the benchmark test on Windows XP
> (without TLS), and it works fine.

Cool, another success story :-) Thanks for testing it! And in your demo
today I saw that VIFF can be installed on Windows Vista too.

The only problem with VIFF under Windows seem to be that there is no TLS
win32 package and that GMPS is only built for Python 2.4. I guess we
could rebuild it for Python 2.5 if there is demand. I don't know about
the TLS packages, but Windows users can still run the examples, just add
a '--no-tls' flag on the command line.

> However, with the effort it takes to install the rest of what is
> needed for VIFF, I do not think it really makes it much easier with an
> installer just for VIFF because you already have to know where the
> files are supposed to go anyway (at least ConfigObj has to be placed
> manually as far as I could tell). If you really wanted to make it
> friendly, the installer would simply install everything needed.

Yeah, a unified installer would be cool. I know it can be done -- there
is a "Batteries Included" Windows installer for Mercurial which comes
with everything needed: Python, Mercurial, and some merge tools. We
should probably do what they describe here:


They use the NSIS installer to run things, which is free software. It
can even be run under Linux to produce a Windows installer:


> On the other hand, it is still quicker and more convenient to use the
> installer, so I would suggest releasing this VIFF for Windows in this
> format in the future along with a ZIP-file as well.

I saw that the Windows installer only includes the .py files -- no
examples, no API docs, no nothing. So we definitely need to provide a
ZIP file with the missing stuff, and we need to explain that to the
user. I don't know if we can include it in the installer. The
documentation indicates that we can run a postinstallation script and
that might be a way to include more stuff:


Martin Geisler

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