To my knowledge none of the sources go into such detail about R-hand technique. De Visee is one of the people who does put dots on the 1st course but as far as I can see all he says is..........

"When there are dots on some of the lines as you may see here (ex.) you should not strike the strings which they indicate so as to avoid dissonances and to render the melody more distinct."

I would imagine it was more a matter of precision and practice. It is not only a problem when you have to leave out the first course. There are sometimes 3-part passages on the lowest three courses or on the middle 3 courses which are just as difficult to play cleanly.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Martyn Hodgson" <>
To: "Vihuela Dmth" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:57 AM
Subject: [VIHUELA] 5 course guitar - partial strums

  Various 5 course guitar tablature sources ask for partial strums in
  which only some of the courses are to be strummed; unstrummed
  courses being indicated by dots (although the practice may, of course,
   be more widespread than suggested only by the tablatures with these

  A typical example is a G major chord (stopped on the 2nd and 5th
  courses) but with a dot on the first course indicating a strum of the
  lower 4 courses but without the first course strummed (eg Lobkowicz Ms
  OLIM Prague II Ms Kk77  fol 82v - Minuet).  Is there any evidence that
  these were ever performed by using, say, the middle finger of the right
  hand (or even a spare left hand finger) to damp the unplayed course or
  is it simply a matter of precision in execution of the strum with the
  index finger?



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