Edward L. Fox wrote:

But we should change one thing before we include this patch into the
official version. In the patch file, line 97:

+    execute "normal! A\npre { font-family: courier; color: " . s:fgc
. "; background-color: " . s:bgc . "; }\e"

Should be:

+    execute "normal! A\npre { font-family: Courier, monospace; color:
" . s:fgc . "; background-color: " . s:bgc . "; }\e"

As W3C suggested, every "font-family" indication must finish with a
*GENERIC* font family name, possible values are "serif", "sans-serif"
or "monospace". So I added "monospace" here.

Since there's a fair amount of anti-Courier feelings, and undoubtedly no matter what font is selected someone won't like it, why not set things up to default
to whatever but to be easily overridden in one's .vimrc.  In other words,

 if !exists("g:Convert2Html_font")
let g:Convert2Html_font= '...whatever font gets selected for a default...'

then later, when you're about to use it:

exe "norm! A\npre{font-family:".g:Convert2Html_font.';color:'.s:fgc.';background-color:'.s:bgc.";}\e"

Chip Campbell

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