Am Montag, den 07.05.2007, 16:07 -0700 schrieb Ian Tegebo:
> The Wiki would ideally understand how to link to vim-scripts and vim-tips like
> vimonline currently does.  As a bonus, mailing-list posts would also linkable

For Wikia:

But this touches the critical point: The real question is, howto
organize/access existing contributions (and contribution channels) from
a wiki.

Wikipages are generic, while tips, scripts, plugins, helpfiles etc. have
more structure and - perhaps because of that - an established

There is nothing against writing new things freely in the wiki and then,
afterwards, copy them to svn or make a script/plugin/syntax-file/tutor
or whatever ... Probably one could also easily write some html-form that
submits a tip/script to the database on

I would like to see the VimWiki as a kind of portal to the plethora of
vim-related material. (Recall the slogan: Avoid redundancy!)

In such a community-driven portal, each contributor has an interest to
get her contribution found. Thus there is no need for a centralized
management as on

A question to the experienced users/developers: How is that plethora
organized internally? What are the main (most important, most popular)


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