On 5/9/06, Benjamin Reitzammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/9/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/9/06, Benjamin Reitzammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Now my question:
> > Is there something similar for vim? Or do you guys have any hacks,
> > shell scripts for achieving this? Pressing a key combination, typing
> > in some letters, hitting enter and you opened another file?
> Looks like useful functionality. It would be possible to write such
> plugin [for vim], but difficult. To get 'incremental completion menu'
> working, I'm afraid we need something like Eric's GetChar event.
> Benjamin, how jEdit plugin refreshes the filenames index;
> manually, or automatically ?

It refreshes the index automatically after a configurable amount of
time. I set mine to 60 seconds and haven't experienced any slowdown of
my computer.

> Regarding :find. It does not do &path-full completion, and
> no 'incremental completion menu'. To write such plugin, you'd
> need to process every typed character.

Yes I tried, :find and that it's not doing completion of my filename,
is something that makes it a lot less useful. Sure it broadened my vim
skills ;) but it's still not as good as the described solution the
jedit plugin offers.

Sorry for the stupid question now ... but isn't it possible to write
vim plugins in perl? If so could you give me some pointers on how to
this? Still after such a long time of using vim, I find the helpfiles
a bit hard to read/browse. And googling for it, didn't yield any
useful results either.
Maybe I could do such a plugin in perl then.

in vim itself:
    :help :perl


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