On Thu, 11 May 2006 at 11:03pm, David Fishburn wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Hari Krishna Dara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:06 PM
> > To: Benjamin Reitzammer
> > Cc: Benjamin Reitzammer; vim@vim.org
> > Subject: lookupfile.vim (WAS Re: fast file opening / find
> > file as you type)
> >
> >
> > Actually, I started with the below idea, and created a plugin
> > that works more or less like what the OP wanted. It uses the
> > Vim completion mechanism to bringup a popup dialog with
> > matching filenames. Works best when you have a dedicated tags
> > file the way I originaly proposed (see the script header).
> > Can anyone try the attached plugin and give me feedback?
> You know me Hari, I can't refuse your plugins.

Thank you :)

> I tried it, it didn't work as expected so I read the instructions!!

Can you tell me what happened? I forgot to recognize the dependency on
genutils, but I hope you have it installed, so I wonder whatelse the
problem could be. Did you have the window open and were you able to
start typing the pattern? With my regular huge tags file, it takes
forever to find matches, but if you create a specialized tags file, it
is very fast.

> Anyway since I didn't do this:
>     find . -print | sort | awk '{printf "%s\t%s\t1\n", $0, $0;}' >
> filenametag

Did it not work even after that?

> If the tagfile isn't specified, what about generating the contents for the
> completion window from the globpath using either $PATH or &path?
> In my case, &path is the default of '.,,', but I set it using:
> :let &path=substitute($PATH, ';', ',', 'g')
> Then I hit <F5>.
> What do you think?

Are you talking about running globpath()? This is possible, but won't
recognize path entries with "**" etc.. I will try this out and see how
it works out.

> Dave


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