On 5/18/06, roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/18/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/18/06, roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > # "start.sh"
> > # session for polar_angle_* #
> >   /usr/bin/gvim -S ~/codes/polar_angle/Session_polar_abc.vim
> >   /usr/bin/gvim -S ~/codes/polar_angle/Session_polar_d.vim
> > #
> > when i re-login all files are opened in the correct way but if, say, i
> > had 4 windows of gvim then i see the 4 windows and also other 4
> > windows of gvim with the welcome screen; the same happen with any
> > other number of gvim windows and so on
> You need to atttach examples you your real session files
> (Session_polar_abc.vim , Session_polar_d.vim) for this
> to be answerable.
here it is:
i paste only one since it is extremely long...

Opens two windows for me: (1) polar_bal.c and (2) polar_angle_d.c
Is this good or bad ?


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