> -----Original Message-----
> From: Meino Christian Cramer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 18 May 2006 18:43
> Cc: vim@vim.org
> Subject: Re: CurorLine, set cursorline: slow, slower, slowest ?!
> From: "Yakov Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: CurorLine, set cursorline: slow, slower, slowest ?!
> Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 11:56:52 +0000
> > On 5/18/06, Meino Christian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > >  VIM has a neat feature to highlight the line the cursor 
> is in. This
> > >  makes reading wide texts easier.
> > >
> > >  Unfortunatley (at least with my system) moving the cursor become
> > >  very slow.
> > >
> > >  Is there a way out (a config trich for example) or any 
> other thing to
> > >  get a fast cursor in a highlighted line ?
> > >
> > >  I am using:
> > >  xterm-256color
> > >  mrxvt
> > >  linux 2.6.16-16
> > >  AMD X2 64 3800+
> > >  vim7.0.017
> > 
> > I  just tried scrolling with cursorline it on a maximixed 
> terminal (74
> > lines, 203 columns)
> > and it's  *not* slow for me. I tried xterm, Konsole, mrxvt, 
> and urxvt.
> > 
> > Yakov
> > 
> Hi Yakov,
>  thank you for your reply.
>  I forgot to mention that I am using vim, not gvim (!) and that
>  in my colorscheme the following was set:
>  hi Normal         ctermbg=lightgray  ctermfg=Black
>  hi CursorLine     ctermbg=White guibg=Grey90
>  What do you uses for your speedy vim ? :O)

Unfortunately, I have to confirm the original problem.
Running xterm-256colors with xterm16 colorscheme in  the
xterm, when the cursorline is highlighted, the cursor
movement becomes both slow and erratic. When e.g. I place
the cursor at the beginning of the line and hold e.g. 'l'
for a while, cursor may move two chars, then pause and suddenly
jump many chars forward depending how I've held the key.
This is a problem for Bram, IMHO.


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