On 6/7/06, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This would be where I'd start...comparing your old 'viminfo'
setting with your new one.

Thanks Tim.  I've never edited settings for viminfo, but I've attached
my viminfo's for both 6.3 and 7.  There are File marks in the viminfo
7 file, but it's not using them.  Read the stuff in :help viminfo, but
am unclear on what I need to set in .vimrc to get it to use them?

Any help is appreicated,
Kevin Old
# This viminfo file was generated by Vim 7.0.
# You may edit it if you're careful!

# Value of 'encoding' when this file was written

# hlsearch on (H) or off (h):
# Last Search Pattern:

# Last Substitute Search Pattern:

# Last Substitute String:

# Command Line History (newest to oldest):
:help viminfo
:help cursor
:help restore
:help restore-cursor
:help http
:help url
:set ruler
:help line
:help column

# Search String History (newest to oldest):
? ^\d\{3}\/
? ^\d\{-}\/
? \]
? \[
? [//g
? [A-Z]
? ^"=

# Expression History (newest to oldest):

# Input Line History (newest to oldest):
@textarea id="thetest" cols="80"

# Input Line History (newest to oldest):

# Registers:
"0      LINE    0
        <input type="text" name="name" value=""/>
""1     LINE    0
"2      LINE    0
        <input type="text" name="name" value=""/>
"3      LINE    0
"4      LINE    0
"5      LINE    0
"6      LINE    0
"7      LINE    0
"8      LINE    0
"9      LINE    0
        " Netrw Directory Listing                                        (netrw 
        "   /home/kold/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model
        "   Sorted by      name
        "   Sort sequence: [\/]$,*,\.bak$,\.o$,\.h$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.obj$
        "   Quick Help: <F1>:help  -:go up dir  D:delete  R:rename  s:sort-by  
"-      CHAR    0

# File marks:
'0  1  0  ~/.viminfo
'1  127  4  ~/.viminfo
'2  17  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
'3  16  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
'4  68  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
'5  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
'6  40  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg.pm
'7  7  77  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg
'8  7  6  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
'9  18  0  /tmp/BIOAdmin/script/bioadmin_cgi.pl

# Jumplist (newest first):
-'  1  0  ~/.viminfo
-'  127  4  ~/.viminfo
-'  320  0  ~/.viminfo
-'  17  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  16  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  1  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  68  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
-'  40  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg.pm
-'  7  77  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg
-'  8  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg
-'  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg
-'  7  6  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
-'  5  10  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
-'  2  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
-'  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
-'  18  0  /tmp/BIOAdmin/script/bioadmin_cgi.pl
-'  1  0  /tmp/BIOAdmin/script/bioadmin_cgi.pl
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema.pm
-'  8  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema
-'  1  0  /usr/local/tt2/examples/lib/menu
-'  1  0  /usr/local/tt2/examples/ttree.cfg
-'  1  0  /usr/local/tt2/templates/html/menu
-'  1  0  /usr/local/tt2/templates/html/html
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testapp/script/lighttpd.conf
-'  2  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/script/cd
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/script/cd
-'  1  0  ~/projects/kdorails/Rakefile
-'  1  0  ~/tmpscripts/testdateregex.pl
-'  10  36  ~/tmpscripts/testdateregex.pl
-'  12  6  ~/tmpscripts/testdateregex.pl
-'  5  51  ~/tmpscripts/testdateregex.pl
-'  24  0  ~/bizjdocs/mysql_samples.sql
-'  1  0  ~/bizjdocs/mysql_samples.sql
-'  50  0  ~/qref.txt
-'  1  0  ~/qref.txt
-'  39  0  ~/.vimrc
-'  29  0  ~/.vimrc
-'  60  0  ~/.vimrc
-'  1  0  ~/.vimrc
-'  5  0  ~/July06Web.csv
-'  1  0  ~/July06Web.csv
-'  1  0  ~/bin/mk
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/Makefile.PL
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/Changes
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/README
-'  11  0  ~/projects/mpr/lib/mpr/C/Root.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/lib/mpr/C/Root.pm
-'  40  0  ~/projects/mpr/lib/mpr.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/lib/mpr.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/mpr.yml
-'  21  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model/DBICSchemamodel.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model/DBICSchemamodel.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/View/TT.pm
-'  100  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Controller/User.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Controller/User.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Controller/Testkdo.pm
-'  8  0  ~/projects/testicrud/root/InstantCRUD/Testkdo
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/root/InstantCRUD/Testkdo
-'  2  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema/Testkdo.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema/Testkdo.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema/Role.pm
-'  7  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud
-'  9  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model
-'  60  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud.pm
-'  18  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/testicrud.yml
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/Makefile.PL
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/README
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin/Model/BIOAdminDB.pm
-'  58  4  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/ivr.yml
-'  58  0  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Catalyst.pm
-'  1  0  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Catalyst.pm
-'  5  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Linux/build.sh
-'  1  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Linux/build.sh
-'  4  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Linux/build.sh
-'  96  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Readme.txt
-'  1  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Readme.txt
-'  77  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Readme.txt
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BookDB/lib/BookDB.pm
-'  46  12  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin/Controller/Admin/User.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin/Controller/Admin/User.pm
-'  20  2  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin.pm
-'  1  0  ~/June2006_append.csv
-'  58  160  ~/June2006_append.csv
-'  29  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  27  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  28  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  31  5  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  30  8  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  3  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html

# History of marks within files (newest to oldest):

> ~/.viminfo
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/starting.txt
        "       1426    48

> /usr/share/vim/vim63/doc/starting.txt.gz
        "       1324    48
        .       1419    0
        +       1419    0

> ~/jsprettyprinter.html
        "       17      0
        ^       17      0
        .       16      3
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        +       16      3

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/options.txt
        "       5159    4

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/eval.txt
        "       2226    0

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/help.txt
        "       59      2

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/usr_12.txt
        "       49      0

> ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
        "       68      0

> ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg.pm
        "       40      0

> ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
        "       7       6
        ^       6       60
        .       6       59
        +       1       6
        +       5       0
        +       2       0
        +       1       20
        +       2       37
        +       5       10
        +       5       11
        +       5       11
        +       7       0
        +       5       10
        +       5       0
        +       3       0
        +       5       0
        +       3       16
        +       5       16
        +       3       29
        +       5       28
        +       4       0
        +       3       32
        +       4       34
        +       3       9
        +       4       11
        +       2       39
        +       5       0
        +       7       0
        +       6       0
        +       5       0
        +       6       59

> /tmp/BIOAdmin/script/bioadmin_cgi.pl
        "       18      0

> ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema.pm
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/pi_netrw.txt
        "       136     51

> /usr/local/tt2/examples/lib/menu
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/tt2/examples/ttree.cfg
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/tt2/templates/html/menu
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/tt2/templates/html/html
        "       1       0

> ~/projects/testapp/script/lighttpd.conf
        "       1       0

> ~/projects/BIOAdmin/script/cd
        "       2       0
        ^       2       0
        .       1       0
        +       1       0
# This viminfo file was generated by Vim 7.0.
# You may edit it if you're careful!

# Value of 'encoding' when this file was written

# hlsearch on (H) or off (h):
# Last Search Pattern:

# Last Substitute Search Pattern:

# Last Substitute String:

# Command Line History (newest to oldest):
:help viminfo
:help cursor
:help restore
:help restore-cursor
:help http
:help url
:set ruler
:help line
:help column

# Search String History (newest to oldest):
? ^\d\{3}\/
? ^\d\{-}\/
? \]
? \[
? [//g
? [A-Z]
? ^"=

# Expression History (newest to oldest):

# Input Line History (newest to oldest):
@textarea id="thetest" cols="80"

# Input Line History (newest to oldest):

# Registers:
"0      LINE    0
        <input type="text" name="name" value=""/>
""1     LINE    0
"2      LINE    0
        <input type="text" name="name" value=""/>
"3      LINE    0
"4      LINE    0
"5      LINE    0
"6      LINE    0
"7      LINE    0
"8      LINE    0
"9      LINE    0
        " Netrw Directory Listing                                        (netrw 
        "   /home/kold/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model
        "   Sorted by      name
        "   Sort sequence: [\/]$,*,\.bak$,\.o$,\.h$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.obj$
        "   Quick Help: <F1>:help  -:go up dir  D:delete  R:rename  s:sort-by  
"-      CHAR    0

# File marks:
'0  127  4  ~/.viminfo
'1  1  0  ~/.viminfo
'2  17  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
'3  16  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
'4  68  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
'5  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
'6  40  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg.pm
'7  7  77  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg
'8  7  6  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
'9  18  0  /tmp/BIOAdmin/script/bioadmin_cgi.pl

# Jumplist (newest first):
-'  127  4  ~/.viminfo
-'  1  0  ~/.viminfo
-'  320  0  ~/.viminfo
-'  17  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  16  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  1  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  68  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
-'  40  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg.pm
-'  7  77  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg
-'  8  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg
-'  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg
-'  7  6  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
-'  5  10  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
-'  2  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
-'  1  0  ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
-'  18  0  /tmp/BIOAdmin/script/bioadmin_cgi.pl
-'  1  0  /tmp/BIOAdmin/script/bioadmin_cgi.pl
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema.pm
-'  8  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema
-'  1  0  /usr/local/tt2/examples/lib/menu
-'  1  0  /usr/local/tt2/examples/ttree.cfg
-'  1  0  /usr/local/tt2/templates/html/menu
-'  1  0  /usr/local/tt2/templates/html/html
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testapp/script/lighttpd.conf
-'  2  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/script/cd
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/script/cd
-'  1  0  ~/projects/kdorails/Rakefile
-'  1  0  ~/tmpscripts/testdateregex.pl
-'  10  36  ~/tmpscripts/testdateregex.pl
-'  12  6  ~/tmpscripts/testdateregex.pl
-'  5  51  ~/tmpscripts/testdateregex.pl
-'  24  0  ~/bizjdocs/mysql_samples.sql
-'  1  0  ~/bizjdocs/mysql_samples.sql
-'  50  0  ~/qref.txt
-'  1  0  ~/qref.txt
-'  39  0  ~/.vimrc
-'  29  0  ~/.vimrc
-'  60  0  ~/.vimrc
-'  1  0  ~/.vimrc
-'  5  0  ~/July06Web.csv
-'  1  0  ~/July06Web.csv
-'  1  0  ~/bin/mk
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/Makefile.PL
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/Changes
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/README
-'  11  0  ~/projects/mpr/lib/mpr/C/Root.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/lib/mpr/C/Root.pm
-'  40  0  ~/projects/mpr/lib/mpr.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/lib/mpr.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/mpr/mpr.yml
-'  21  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model/DBICSchemamodel.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model/DBICSchemamodel.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/View/TT.pm
-'  100  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Controller/User.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Controller/User.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Controller/Testkdo.pm
-'  8  0  ~/projects/testicrud/root/InstantCRUD/Testkdo
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/root/InstantCRUD/Testkdo
-'  2  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema/Testkdo.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema/Testkdo.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema/Role.pm
-'  7  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud
-'  9  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud/Model
-'  60  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud.pm
-'  18  0  ~/projects/testicrud/lib/testicrud
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/testicrud.yml
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/Makefile.PL
-'  1  0  ~/projects/testicrud/README
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin/Model/BIOAdminDB.pm
-'  58  4  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/ivr.yml
-'  58  0  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Catalyst.pm
-'  1  0  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Catalyst.pm
-'  5  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Linux/build.sh
-'  1  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Linux/build.sh
-'  4  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Linux/build.sh
-'  96  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Readme.txt
-'  1  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Readme.txt
-'  77  0  ~/downloads/truecrypt-4.2/Readme.txt
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BookDB/lib/BookDB.pm
-'  46  12  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin/Controller/Admin/User.pm
-'  1  0  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin/Controller/Admin/User.pm
-'  20  2  ~/projects/BIOAdmin/lib/BIOAdmin.pm
-'  1  0  ~/June2006_append.csv
-'  58  160  ~/June2006_append.csv
-'  29  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  27  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  28  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  31  5  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  30  8  ~/jsprettyprinter.html
-'  3  0  ~/jsprettyprinter.html

# History of marks within files (newest to oldest):

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/starting.txt
        "       1426    48

> ~/.viminfo
        "       127     4

> /usr/share/vim/vim63/doc/starting.txt.gz
        "       1324    48
        .       1419    0
        +       1419    0

> ~/jsprettyprinter.html
        "       17      0
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        .       16      3
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        +       16      3

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/options.txt
        "       5159    4

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/eval.txt
        "       2226    0

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/help.txt
        "       59      2

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/usr_12.txt
        "       49      0

> ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg/C/Root.pm
        "       68      0

> ~/projects/encmymsg/lib/encmymsg.pm
        "       40      0

> ~/projects/encmymsg/root/static/index.html
        "       7       6
        ^       6       60
        .       6       59
        +       1       6
        +       5       0
        +       2       0
        +       1       20
        +       2       37
        +       5       10
        +       5       11
        +       5       11
        +       7       0
        +       5       10
        +       5       0
        +       3       0
        +       5       0
        +       3       16
        +       5       16
        +       3       29
        +       5       28
        +       4       0
        +       3       32
        +       4       34
        +       3       9
        +       4       11
        +       2       39
        +       5       0
        +       7       0
        +       6       0
        +       5       0
        +       6       59

> /tmp/BIOAdmin/script/bioadmin_cgi.pl
        "       18      0

> ~/projects/testicrud/lib/DBSchema.pm
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc/pi_netrw.txt
        "       136     51

> /usr/local/tt2/examples/lib/menu
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/tt2/examples/ttree.cfg
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/tt2/templates/html/menu
        "       1       0

> /usr/local/tt2/templates/html/html
        "       1       0

> ~/projects/testapp/script/lighttpd.conf
        "       1       0

> ~/projects/BIOAdmin/script/cd
        "       2       0
        ^       2       0
        .       1       0
        +       1       0

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