Steve Hall wrote:

> Does the vim7 automatic downloading of a new spellcheck dictionary
> work as advertised in :help spellfile.vim? The command in help is:
>   autocmd SpellFileMissing * call
> Download_spell_file(expand('<amatch>'))
> but in spellfile.vim is:
>   autocmd SpellFileMissing * call spellfile#LoadFile(expand('<amatch>'))
> I was just getting ready to write this feature until I saw it in the
> help, but I can't get either to work. (And don't even grep the first
> in any runtime file.)

Vim 7 should already offer downloading a missing spell file out of the
box.  But only when plugins are loaded, since
$VIMRUNTIME/plugin/spellfile.vim is used.

Some of the well know MS-Windows errors:
        EHUH            Unexpected error
        EUSER           User error, not our fault!
        EGOD            Horrible problem, god knows what has happened
        EERR            Errornous error: nothing wrong

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