On Friday 30 June 2006 15:16, Wim R. Crols wrote:
> Peter Slizik wrote:
> >> Not really a request for help, but I was wondering if you guys ever use
> >> the 's' command.
> >> It's just a shortcut for 'cl', which I almost never need. Since I don't
> >> assume it was put in to be complete or something, I'm intrigued by it's
> >> enigmatic purpose. :)
> >>     
> >
> > Well, I use it when I want to replace a word that is for example 4 letters 
> > long.
> >
> > abcd efgh ijkl
> >
> > Suppose I want to replace "efgh" with something else. I place the cursor at 
> > the beginning of the word and type '4s'. The word disappears and ViM 
> > switches 
> > to the insert mode.
> >
> > -- Peter
> >   
> Yes, I figured out that use, but isn't 'cw' always easier since you 
> don't have to count? And when you need to only replace part, like 
> replacing "abcd" in "abcdef", then I'd rather use 'cfd'.
> Just my 2c of course.
> Wim
cfd may be quite different from 4s in this example, esp. if you intend
to repeat the replacement on other places with ".".

- Michael

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