>Not really a request for help, but I was wondering if you guys ever use
>the 's' command.

All the time...

>It's just a shortcut for 'cl', which I almost never need. Since I don't
>assume it was put in to be complete or something, I'm intrigued by it's
>enigmatic purpose. :)

Comes in handy when you're replacing text that's of a different length.
Eg, if you have the word "intended" and want to change it to
"intending", you'd 'fe;' or '/ed' to get to the 2nd 'e', then '2sing' to
get what you want.  Otherwise, you'd have to do something like '2xaing',

In the instant case, 'cwing' would work, too, but if the text is in the
middle of a word, or you're replacing characters in a filename,
whatever, 's' comes in handy as a "delete this char / these chars, and
replace it with as many chars as you want" command.

Oh, to fix misspellings, too.  Hard to give a "good" example right off,
but once you start using 's', believe me, it comes in *really* handy.

All those keystrokes add up, so why wear out your keyboard prematurely?

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