I sometimes need to write text in other languages such as French,
Spanish and occasionally German or Italian.

I would like to do this in Vim.

Unfortunately I only have a US keyboard.

Using Ctrl-K to enter the various digraphs becomes somewhat cumbersome
for anything larger than a short paragraph.

Unfortunately I am only able to type the US keyboard, so remapping the
keyboard might be a better solution than entering digraphs in the long
run but will not be painless..  And since I do not do this on a regular
basis, I am unsure whether it's really worth going to all the trouble.

I was thinking of writing the text without accents, tildes, cedillas,
etc. using the letters on the US keyboard and then feeding the result to
some advanced functionality of a spellchecker that would replace all the
words that can only be spelled one way by their correctly spelled
version - say French 'épeler" (to spell) can only be spelled this way..
there is  no 'epeler' or 'èpeler' or 'êpeler'.

On the other hand, for those words where the accent differs depending
on the semantics such as French 'a' vs. 'à', the script/plugin would
leave them untouched and  - ideally - highlight them, thus leaving me
with only a handful of manual corrections.

Is there anything in Vim that does something like this?

Or is there any other 'smart' way to achieve something like the above?



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