On Tue 1-Aug-06 1:52am -0600, Hugo Ahlenius wrote:

> I just upgraded netrw to netrw 103b from Charles Campbell's web-site. Now it
> seems like opening a directory by just trying to edit it doesn't work, like
> it used to:
>         :e c:\
> Could there be an autocommand that is missing? The only message I get is
> "Illegal file name". Browsing directories works through the "Explore"
> command though.
> (I am on gvim 7.0 on WinXP, non-cygwin)

I have the same setup and had a similar problem after
installing the new releases to $vim\vimfiles or ~\vimfiles.

Do you still have the distribution copy of netrw v98
installed to $vimruntime?

If so, either remove it (all 6 files) or make the following
change to $vim\plugin\netrwPlugin.vim:

Replace (right after the "Load Once" line):

    if exists("g:loaded_netrw")


    if exists("g:loaded_netrwPlugin")
    let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = 1

Best regards,

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