I normally run with lots of splits. Recently I started using
italics for various syntax highlighting (especially comments
and enum tag values). Since then I have noticed the ocassional
pixel remaining when I switch from one split to another.

Any ideas what I can do to fix this? I'm on Windows XP,
running vim 7.0 as gvim (although with none of the fancy menus
or scrollbars, I just use it for the colouring :)

I had some similar problems back when I was running gvim6.0 and found that increasing the line-spacing helped. First, check what your current 'linespace' option is set to. Then, try bumping it up and see if that helps. I noticed it with decorated (bolded, underlined & italicized) text more often than undecorated text. Also, some fonts were noticably more problematic than others.

if you're looking for a one-key bandaid, you should be able to use control+L to have vim refresh the screen which should get rid or the current round of gui-droppings.

I don't know if it will do the trick for you, but it helped me when I had similar problems.


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