Chip, your solution worked beautifully. It didn't expand all of the
years to four digits, but the new database app will take care of that.
I really appreciate the help.

Best wishes,

On 8/3/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Marv Boyes wrote:

> For example, let's say I have some dates that look like this:
>          7-30-05
>          12-5-2006
>          10-2-06
> What I'd like to end up with is this...
>          07/30/2005
>          12/05/2006
>          10/02/2006
> ...without, of course, having to re-type every single one by hand. ;)

The following will do the trick, albeit you do need vim 7.0 for it:

< 100)? (2000+submatch(3)) : submatch(3))/

  \d\{1,2}  --- match 1 to 2 digits
  \(...\)     ---- save this matching subexpression for later
  \=       ---- execute the following expression
   submatch(...)  ---- use the subsexpression matched earlier

Chip Campbell

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