On 2006-08-24, cga2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 01:45:32AM EDT, Gary Johnson wrote:
> > On 2006-08-19, cga2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [..]
> > > I'm three hours behind/ahead of you (EST) .. so it's bedtime for me .. 
> > It's getting late here, too, but I just got a new Windows PC and two 
> > new flat-panel monitors that I share between the Windows PC and my 
> > Linux PC, so I'm trying to get everything configured the way I want.
> So .. how did it go..?

Pretty well.  The monitors have dual inputs, so I can switch them
easily between the two PCs.  I don't have a way to switch a keyboard
and mouse, though, so I have to shuffle the two keyboards and mice
around when I want to use one machine or the other.  That, plus not
being able to copy-and-paste between the two and not being able to
easily monitor what's happening on one machine while using the
other make the setup less than ideal.  But it beats all heck out of
dual booting one machine.

On the software side:  I can log on to any Unix computer in this
lab, whether it is running HP-UX, SunOS or Linux, and have pretty
much the same environment.  The basic applications are the same and
all my customizations are in my HOME directory which is NFS
automounted to each machine I'm logged on to.  Each Windows machine,
on the other hand, is its own little universe:  every application
you want to use has to be installed on it and every customization
has to be applied to each machine individually.  I can't believe
anyone actually thinks the system administration cost of Windows is
less than that of Unix, if you include the cost of users doing their
own administration.  (Grumble grumble.)

> Is there any way I could map a simple toggle to (de)activate fo+=a
> (auto-format) .. so I can get rid of it quickly when it starts causing
> problems .. such as editing mail headers in mutt .. eg. ??

Try this:

    map <silent> <F1> :if match(&fo, 'a') != -1 <bar> set fo+=a <bar> else 
<bar> set fo-=a <bar> endif<CR>


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Wireless Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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