Jorge Almeida wrote:
On Mon, 4 Sep 2006, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

I already downgraded to 6.4. Vim is just not a package I can afford to
do without...
Of course I hope to be able to upgrade someday.
There are several things you can do, independently of each other:

- Upgrade to 7.0.083
Not a good option for me. Version 7.0.17 is the one considered stable in
gentoo, and I don't like to risk the bleeding edge with main packages.

I don't know about gentoo, but packaged distributions are always several steps behind the "real world". The 66 patches between 7.0.17 and 7.0.83 don't make the latter "bleeding-edge" and the former "stable"; rather, they make the latter "up-to-date" and the former "obsolescent". See at (http://, not ftp://) what these patches are all about; and see at how to compile Vim for yourself from Bram Moolenaar's latest sources without waiting for gentoo or somebody to compile and package them. It's really easy once you get the hang of it.

- Change colorscheme, or write your own
I had a costumized colour scheme, which worked before, and still works
now, after downgrading. But note that colour is not the only problem.
Indenting went away, too. I checked my .vimrc. It has "filetype plugin
indent on". I also checked the differences between new and old
/etc/vim/vimrc. They seem trivial.
BTW, I'm not sure I understand about colour schemes: what I costumized
are things like the colour of the selected area in visual mode and such.

Think of a Vim color scheme as you would of a "skin" or "theme" for another program.

Basically, a colorscheme is a script which takes all the color-related statements (":highlight", mostly) out of your vimrc and into a separate script so you can change colors at will without messing up everything else in your vimrc. I'm attaching a fairly simple colorscheme which is the one I use. You can apply it as-is (by dropping it into ~/.vim/colors/ -- make the directory if it doesn't exist -- and adding "colorscheme almost-default" to your vimrc) or change it to your heart's content. There are also "standard" colorschemes in the Vim distribution (at $VIMRUNTIME/colors/*.vim), and you can download others from the Web, e.g. at vim-online. In gvim, all available colorschemes on your computer are listed in the "Edit -> Color Scheme" menu.

I didn't touch anything related with filetypes. With the new version,
the problem is not that the colours are not to my liking, it's that they
are synctatical nonsense (same keyword sometimes coloured, sometimes
not, blocks of code all pink for no apparent good reason,...).

A "block of code all pink" can be a symptom of an unbalanced quotation mark somewhere. Otherwise, send me one of your perl source files, or a URI to it, and I'll tell you how it looks in my gvim 7.0.83. Tell me "what looked wrong" in your 7.0.17 and I'll tell you if it looks the same here. But since I'm not a perl programmer myself, it may be that I can tell you "how" it looks but not necessarily "why" it looks that way.

- Use the command ":filetype indent on" or ":filetype indent off" to switch
filetype-related indenting on or off. When on, it overrides 'autoindent' and
'smartindent'. If you decide to turn it off, check that these latter two
options are set as you want them, and since they are boolean options, don't
forget the question marks in

        :verbose set autoindent? smartindent?

Will try this next time I upgrade.
- Contact the maintainer(s) of the perl plugins ftplugin/perl.vim and

But what can brake such features? I read the manual for changes and new
features, and found nothing relevant (except for the new parentesis
highlightening, which I promptly got rid of).
Best regards,



Best regards,
" Vim color file
" Maintainer:   Tony Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
" Last Change:  2006 Aug 28
" ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷
" This is almost the default color scheme.  It doesn't define the Normal
" highlighting, it uses whatever the colors used to be.

" Only the few highlight groups named below are defined; the rest (most of
" them) are left at their compiled-in default settings.

" Set 'background' back to the default.  The value can't always be estimated
" and is then guessed.
hi clear Normal
set bg&

" Remove all existing highlighting and set the defaults.
hi clear

" Load the syntax highlighting defaults, if it's enabled.
if exists("syntax_on")
  syntax reset

" Set our own highlighting settings
" white on red is not always distinct in the GUI: use black on red then
hi Error                                        guibg=red               
hi clear ErrorMsg
hi link  ErrorMsg       Error
" show cursor line/column (if enabled) in very light grey in the GUI,
" underlined in the console
hi CursorLine                                   guibg=#F4F4F4
hi clear CursorColumn
hi link  CursorColumn   CursorLine
" do not make help bars and stars invisible
hi clear helpBar
hi link  helpBar        helpHyperTextJump
hi clear helpStar
hi link  helpStar       helpHyperTextEntry
" display the status line of the active window in a distinctive color:
" bold white on bright red in the GUI, white on green in the console (where the 
bg is
" never bright, and dark red is sometimes an ugly sort of reddish brown).
hi StatusLine           gui=NONE,bold           guibg=red               
        \               cterm=NONE,bold         ctermbg=green           
" make the status line bold-reverse (but B&W) for inactive windows
hi StatusLineNC         gui=reverse,bold
        \               cterm=reverse,bold
" define colors for the tab line:
" file name of unselected tab
hi TabLine              gui=NONE                guibg=#EEEEEE           
        \               cterm=NONE,bold         ctermbg=lightgrey       
" file name of selected tab (GUI default is bold black on white)
hi TabLineSel           cterm=NONE,bold         ctermbg=green           
" fillup and tab-delete "X" at right
hi TabLineFill          gui=NONE,bold           guibg=#CCCCCC           
        \               cterm=NONE              ctermbg=lightgrey       
" tab and file number 1:2/3 (meaning "tab 1: window 2 of 3) for selected tab
hi User1                gui=bold                guibg=white             
        \                                       ctermbg=green           
" tab and file number 1:2/3 for unselected tab
hi User2                                        guibg=#EEEEEE           
        \                                       ctermbg=lightgrey       

" remember the current colorscheme name
let colors_name = "almost-default"

" vim: sw=2

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