thank you for your explanations ! :O)

Well, I'll see what I can do to help further...or create a headache for you, as what follows is rather hackish. :)

 With "protected" I mean the effect of doing as follows (but I mean
 the result only ... not the way which leads to it...)

 There is a text with some lines containing the word "gold".
 Those lines should never be changed/edited.
 Therefore I will do a :g/gold/d
 Then I will do all commands, mistakes or whatever, which I will
 do -- all "gold" lines will not be affected.
 After all that I will do a "undo delete of all lines containing
 'gold'" -- and that's it.

To do something like what you describe, you'd have to maintain a list of "protected" lines. Something like

        :let b:plines = ','
        :map <f4> :let b:plines = b:plines.line('.').','<cr>
:map <f5> :let b:plines = substitute(b:plines, ','.line('.').',', ',', 'g')<cr>

This will set up a local variable called b:plines that will track which lines are protected. You can then protect lines by hitting <f4> on the line in question. You can unprotect lines using <f5>. You can simply clear all marks by setting b:plines back to ','.

With a little more trickery, one could get a single key to toggle the protected state of the line. I don't know how to show that a given line is "protected", but I know there's a "signs" feature in vim that will put icons in the margin. Something might be doable like that.

Then, you can do things like

:g/gold/if b:plines !~ ','.line('.').',' | d | endif

which will "d" (or any group of ex commands you want) any lines that match /gold/, but won't operate on any such lines that are protected.

It's a bit unwieldy, but for common actions, one could create some mappings or user-defined commands...

 Hope my german English is english enough... ;)

Far better than any German I'd try and fire back your way.


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