
 I would like to accomplish three "tricks":

 1.) Suppose you have a source code and have started an new search
   task recently. With "n" you are jumping from match to
   match. Sometimes the "next match" is right on the last line
   currently visible. Pressing "n" let the cursor jump there. The
   screen is not scrolled, cause the target is still on the screen --
   but the context is not.

   Is it possible to always scroll the screen that way, that pressing
   "n" wll always take you to the middle of the screen (or in other
   words: The cursor is glued to the middle of the screen and the text
   jumps "under" the cursor)?

 2.) This is similiar: I want to scroll through text and keep the
   cursor glued to a certain position on the screen.

 3.) Last "glued cursor" thingy: I want to glue the cursor on the text
   and using "up" and "down" will not move the cursor on the text but
   the text on the screen.

 I am sure these are little steps for a vim guru to accomplish but
 would be big steps for me. :)

 Thank you very much for any hint and/or help in advance !

 Keep hacking!


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