On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 at 3:38am, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

> Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
> > On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 at 1:46am, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> >
> >> Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
> >>> On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 at 4:05pm, Dmitriy Yamkovoy wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi all,
> >>>> Is there a binary compiled for Windows which allows me to run Vim
> >>>> without any of the runtime files?  Long story short, I want something
> >>>> I can keep online or on a USB key and just copy to the desktop of any
> >>>> computer I sit at.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> -Dmitriy
> >>> I think Vim, when behaving as plain Vi, doesn't require any of the
> >>> runtime files. E.g., try starting vim with -u NONE option, and run
> >>> :scripts command, you will see that nothing is loaded. The runtime
> >>> directory is not essential for using Vim.
> >>>
> >> indeed, but then you will get
> >> - no help (doc/)
> >> - no Vim tutor (tutor/)
> >> - no syntax highlighting and no colorschemes (syntax/, colors/)
> >> - no filetype detection, no filetype plugins and no filetype indenting
> >>       (filetype.vim, ftplugin/, indent/)
> >> - no keymaps (keymap/)
> >> - no non-English messages (lang/)
> >> - no menus (not even English menus) (menu.vim)
> >> - no spell checking (spell/)
> >> - no "matchit" matching (macros/matchit.vim)
> >> - no directory browsing (plugin/netrwPlugin.vim etc.)
> >> - no editing of remote files (plugin/netrwPlugin.vim etc.)
> >> - no editing of zipfiles, tarballs, etc. (plugin/gzip.vim,
> >>       plugin/tarPlugin.vim, plugin/zipPlugin.vim)
> >> - no conversion to HTML (syntax/2html.vim)
> >> - no ":options" command (optwin.vim)
> >> - no vimrc_example.vim (vimrc_example.vim)
> >> etc.,
> >>
> >> in other words, you would lose most of the things which, IMHO, make Vim
> > great.
> >
> > First of all, I presumed that that is what OP wanted. Secondly, it is
> > still several magnitudes better than plain Vi :)
> >
> > For the sake of argument, glancing through your list again I find none
> > of them to be essential. The only feature out of the list that I use
> > most is the "matchit", the rest, I don't either (regularly) use or need.
> Not even the help? Then you've got a better (and more encyclopaedic) memory
> than mine.

Sorry, that was a mistake. Help is essential for all the newer features
and finding options etc.


> > In fact most of these features didn't even exist in older Vim versions
> > (which was still a lot better than Vi).
> I don't remember Vim versions older than 6.1 but I would expect them to have
> had a help system.
> >
> > PS: I don't need lang, but I would imagine it to be essential for
> > someone needing a non-English language.
> >
> When typing Russian or Arabic I would also need keymaps, except that I'm
> my own keymaps, in $VIM/vimfiles/keymap or ~/vimfiles/keymap. I also use
> syntax colouring whenever available.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

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