
Currently, I use F12 to map to make command. However, the cursor will
jump to the file which contains the first error or the first warning.
It will leave the current file that I'm editing if it is different
from the file contain the errors or warnings. Another drawback, is
that the error message window should be gone before I can do any
editing in the source files.

map <F12> <ESC>:w<kEnter>:make<kEnter>

The plugin c.vim : C/C++-IDE
seems very interesting. It is building "save and compile" command can
preserve the error window just like any other IDE (eclipse,
visual-studio). However, it can only compile single. My project is
rather complex and it is compiled by the make command.

Can some body provide some script to satisfy my more general
requirement? I want press <F12>, then make is called. The error window
will not be closed unless I do so. When I brower the error, the file
where the error is from will be open automatically and the cursor is
put in the error line?


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