On Sun, Nov 05, 2006 at 03:13:20PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:
> Thanks (I forget to set ls).
> I do the following
> - gvim -u NONE
> - :set stl=%{&imd} ls=2
> - :inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set imd<CR>
> - :nnoremap i :set noimd<CR>i
> - :set nocp
> - switching back & forth between normal mode & insert mode using "ESC" & "i"
> When I pressing "i", the input focus is on command line & command line
> shows ":set noimd<CR>i".

     Part of the problem is that you defined the :map commands with <>
notation before setting 'nocp'.  From another post on this thread, I see
that you want to try this with gvim, not terminal vim.  So please try

$ gvim -u NONE
:set nocp
:set laststatus=2 stl=%{&imd}
:inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set imd<CR>
:nnoremap i :set noimd<CR>i

and *then* try going from Normal mode to Insert mode and back with i and
<Esc>.  The status line should show the current value of the 'imdisable'

     If the 0 or 1 in the status line is too terse, you could be a
little fancier.  For example,
:set laststatus=2 stl=%{&imd?'IM\ disabled':'IM\ enabled'}

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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