Suresh Govindachar wrote:
Bill McCarthy recently wrote to vim-dev and others: > Runtime files are kept fairly well updated at the Vim FTP
  > site.  You can update those files from there.  Scripts have
  > been provided for 'nix and Windows to update local files.
Only script I found on to help with updating runtime
  files involves use of AAP.  If there are other scripts, please
provide an exact link to them.
  > For Windows, using 4nt, this one-liner will do the update:
> > copy /[!*~]/u/s vrt: > > where vrt: is a directory alias for my $VIMRUNTIME.

  I am surprised that NT supports /[!*~] as an option to a command!

  Anyone know of a version of this command for XP?

  I can use perl's lwp-rget to down-load the runtime files to a
  separate directory.  I can then over-write the entire $VIMRUNTIME
  with the downloaded stuff, but do not know how to merely update

I don't know a purely native-Windows way of doing it (though I suspect Bill might). If you have a functioning rsync program (maybe a Cygwin version) you could try the "Unix" method to keep the runtime directory up-to-date. The following maintains the runtime/ subdirectory tree which has the same parent as the src/ directory used to compile Vim; you can then update $VIMRUNTIME from it locally (not wasting bandwidth). Don't use this as written (changing the last argument) to update $VIMRUNTIME directly because this would remove all executables in it or under it, since it removes everything in the local tree that is not found in the remote one (a great feature, so obsolete files won't give you any trouble). I suppose that even if you don't compile Vim yourself, you could use this to keep a phony "runtime" directory up-to-date (and that if you create an empty "runtime" directory under the current directory, the first run of this command will populate it):

 rsync -avzcP --delete --exclude="/dos/" ./runtime/

The above also assumes that you use "unix-format" versions of the runtime files (i.e. with LF only rather than CR+LF as end-of-line marker); this is marginally more economical (one byte per line), and it is OK for Vim as long as your 'fileformats' option includes "unix" (which is the default). Notepad (but not Vim and not WordPad) chokes on the LF-only ends-of-lines but I suppose you can live with that.

Best regards,

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