Hi, everyone:

Thanks for the welcome. ^_^
Last week I emailed vim@vim.org from Outlook, but the server returned
all my email. Yesterday I tried to send email from my gmail account
directly, now it works.

I am now using gvim7.0 on WIN XP; I have several questions:

1. How to setup my gvim to open to the maximal size when I start it?

2. I am using latex-suite; I want to setup macros like:
(1). `o=\theta;
(2). call IMAP('kk','\[<++>\]<++>','tex');

for (2), now I have to setup them every time when I use latex-suite;
how can I make them as default?

3. I am also writting Fortran 90 codes this semester and I want to
write like hw1.f90 and hw1.txt simultaneously; hw1.f90 for running,
hw1.txt for me to submit a hard copy to my Prof. How can I write the
same content in two files at the same time?

4. If I use:   :r !command, vim will include all the results given by
the shell command after where the index stay; Can I use:  :r command
to include the vim command?

5. :n,mw !command will take from the nth line to mth line as the shell command.
Can I use:  :n,mw command to do the same thing for vim command?

Hopfully I made all my questions clear. Thanks a lot.


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