Waters, Bill wrote:

Does anyone have experience with running gVim and using Cygwin commands (ex. 
indent)?  I would prefer not to run vim in a Cygwin terminal, unless someone 
has all of the configurations needed (syntax highlighting, etc) to have that 
act like gVim.
I generally compile both gvim and vim under cygwin, and haven't run into any problems. I haven't used indent, though. The problems I generally have had have been with Windows' paths and trying to get netrw to understand them properly, but that's not because of gvim and cygwin.

If you already have cygwin, just get vim 7.0 source, and go to its source directory.

gmake -f Make_cyg.mak

will make gvim.exe by default. Edit Make_cyg.mak, and change GUI=yes to GUI=no, and type the same command above. That way you'll get vim.exe. Its really quite straightforward!

Chip Campbell

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