"Yakov Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-04 22:22:43:
On 4/4/07, wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ESC is so far from the center of the keyboard.
Can I replace this key to Caps Lock,for example?
I heard some people use Tab as a substitute for Esc. Weird.
But it's easier to do in platform-independent way.


It's not weird IMO, Tab key is rarely required inside Vim, thanks to the
powerful auto-indent feature of Vim (you don't need the tab key even when
editing Makefile!), I never feel a need to use <Tab> key in vim during the
last 3 years.

I use the Tab key in Vim constantly, not only to insert hard tabs but also for 'wildmenu' completion. I don't feel Esc is "too far away" but maybe it comes (see below) from my early piano lessons (which did not, however, make a pianist out of me).

Personaly, I think it is easier to train my fingers to reach the
so-called-far-away-ESC-key. (Imagine that the piano players often need to
reach keys in the piano much farther than ESC, and they do that precisely.)

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

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