-does this happen in one particular type of file but not in
others (such as in *.tex or *.xyz but not in others)

Most of the files I edit are *.tex files so that is not much of a distinguishing mark.

Ah well...perhaps a tex-filetype mapping?

-does it only happen in one mode?  (only in insert-mode?  only in
normal-mode?  only in visual-mode?)

It may happen in insert mode when I hit the F4 key. But from the nature of the latest such message it occurs when I hit the "save" entry on a menu. Or perhaps when I exit Gvim by deleting its window.

This is a good lead. My first suspicion is that there is a definition that uses ":map" when it should be using ":nnoremap" (or should have both the ":nnoremap" and a ":inoremap" or ":imap") such that when you use <F4> in insert-mode, it uses a normal-mode mapping.

-when it *does* happen, some post-mortem knowledge of the output

from the following would be helpful:
        :autocmd CursorHold
        :autocmd CursorHoldI
        :autocmd CursorMoved
        :autocmd CursorMovedI

Unfortunately I don't discover it until I try to compile a *tex file using e.g., texexec or pdftex.

With that knowledge, I'd go spelunking in the $VIMRUNTIME/ folders for the tex-related plugins/syntax/filetype files to see if there are "map" commands that should be "nnoremap" commands. Or perhaps you have some of your own additions under $HOME/.vim/ that might be bunging matters.


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