On 4/17/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> With that knowledge, I'd go spelunking in the $VIMRUNTIME/
>> folders for the tex-related plugins/syntax/filetype files to see
>> if there are "map" commands that should be "nnoremap" commands.
>> Or perhaps you have some of your own additions under $HOME/.vim/
>> that might be bunging matters.
>> -tim
> And what is the difference between map and nnoremap?

Well, there's "map", "nmap" and "nnoremap".  I tend to use
"nnoremap" rotely because it's usually what I mean.

map applies pretty much anywhere

nmap applies only in normal mode

nnoremap also applies only in normal mode, but prevents recursive
expansion.  Thus, if you did something like

   :nmap <up> g<up>

you'd likely have problems because the <up> on the right-hand
side (RHS) of the mapping again gets expanded to make it "gg<up>"
which would then be expanded to "ggg<up>", ad infinitum.

   :nnoremap <up> g<up>

prevents things on the RHS from expanding as additional mappings.
  The same applies to any of the "*noremap" commands.

When I create a mapping, I generally mean "do this list of things
as if they are actual Vim commands, even if I accidentally
overwrite one of its constituent parts with a new mapping".

Each has its uses, but for my general uses, "nnoremap" is almost
always what I mean, so I just type it and think later...or not at
all :)

        :help recursive-mapping

has more details on the matter.

> I inserted several map commands. Here is my list:
> :syntax on
> imap <F3> <C-O>:!pdftex book.tex<Cr>
> map <F3> :!pdftex book.tex<Cr>
> imap <F4> <C-O>:!texexec book.tex >/dev/null<Cr>
> map <F4> :!texexec book.tex >/dev/null<Cr>
> imap <F5> <C-O>:!acroread book.pdf<Cr>
> map <F5> :!acroread book.pdf<Cr>
> map <F2> 1GgqG
> imap <F2>   1GgqGi
> Do you see any that could be causing trouble?

I noticed those in your *vimrc files, but didn't see anything
among them that would have triggered the exact text you had in
your original example (something about "wqa" or "update" or
something like that).  However, if some of the above text appears
in your text at "random", perhaps they are of a problematic ilk.
  There's no harm in changing them to more precise mappings
("inoremap" and "nnoremap") to eliminate one possible source of


I noticed your mappings  for help with TeX stuff, and I thought you
might want to check out Vim-LaTeX, if you haven't already.  It can be
found at http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net .  The Tutorial
 explains how to use it.  I started using it for some Calculus stuff
I have to write and it really saves me  keystrokes and whatnot.  It
has conveniences for viewing and compiling as well.  I highly
recommend it.


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