Please see the following archived message:



Tom Purl

On Fri, April 20, 2007 10:09 am, Marv Boyes wrote:
> Hello, all. This is going to be painfully basic, I'm sure, but I can't
> find my way around it.
> I've just clean-installed Ubuntu 7.04 and am busily setting things up
> the way I want them. Naturally, Vim comes first. :)
> Ubuntu installed vim as a default package, without GUI enabled. I
> installed the GUI-related packages, but then decided that I'd rather
> have all patches up to date and installed Vim via AAP (which I really
> like, by the way). I ended up with Vim 7.0.224 in text-mode, but
> version 7.0.164 in GUI mode. Apparently, the Ubuntu-packaged versions
> install to one place, and the AAP version in another.
> I removed all Vim-related Ubuntu packages and re-ran the AAP install
> with "--enable-gui=gtk2" in my config.arg file. That's evidently not
> the correct syntax, since I ended up with no GUI available.
> Basically, what I'm trying to do is have Vim, with GUI, always
> patched-up-to-date. Is AAP the best way to do this on Ubuntu? If so, I
> can't seem to find a clear answer as to how to do so (i.e., it
> installs fine, patches fine, but I can't get a GUI to save my life).
> I'm content to use the Ubuntu packages, as long as subsequent uses of
> "aap update" give me the same version of Vim in both text and GUI
> modes. Any and all guidance would be greatly appreciated; many thanks
> in advance.

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