On 2007-05-08, Ian Tegebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On 5/8/07, Bram Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Ian Tegebo wrote:

> > > I would like to make another implementation independent suggestion;
> > > one could make a VimWiki more valuable by importing the _extremely_
> > > valuable vim helpfiles into it.
> >
> > Please don't do this.  It might sound like a nice idea, but it means
> > making a branch that will be very hard to merge back into the help files
> > of the distribution.
>  I feel misunderstood but it serves me right for not saying what I mean...
>  Synchronizing data is no fun, I agree.  While I was up in the clouds I
>  was imaging that the wiki would be the authoritative source for the
>  helpfiles after doing an initial _import_.   Then the text version
>  would be exported as needed, e.g. end user runtime update or for a new
>  release.

This seems like a bad idea.  The vim help files are an authoritative 
source because their content is under the control of an authority:  
Bram.  Others are encouraged to submit patches that correct errors 
or clarify wording, but before any of those patches are applied, 
Bram looks at them to be sure they are correct and consistent with 
the help files' style.

A wiki allows every Tom, Dick and Harry to make changes to it, 
whether they know what they're talking about or not.  Wikis are 
useful, but it's difficult to ensure their correctness.  Requiring 
Bram to vet every page before it is included in vim's help files 
would be an undue burden on him as well as a poor use of his time.

A wiki is a good idea, but the content should be separate from the 
help files.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Mobile Broadband Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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