Ian Tegebo wrote:

> > > On 5/6/07, Sebastian Menge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi all
> > > >
> > > > Independent of the implementation used, I suggest to develop good
> > > > guidelines. The Wiki should be really valuable and not redundant to
> > > > vim-tips or mailing-lists.
> > >
> > > I would like to make another implementation independent suggestion;
> > > one could make a VimWiki more valuable by importing the _extremely_
> > > valuable vim helpfiles into it.
> >
> > Please don't do this.  It might sound like a nice idea, but it means
> > making a branch that will be very hard to merge back into the help files
> > of the distribution.
> I feel misunderstood but it serves me right for not saying what I mean...
> Synchronizing data is no fun, I agree.  While I was up in the clouds I
> was imaging that the wiki would be the authoritative source for the
> helpfiles after doing an initial _import_.   Then the text version
> would be exported as needed, e.g. end user runtime update or for a new
> release.

That's the problem: It's very easy to change the text in the wiki in
such a way it won't be possible to put back in the distribution.

Also, I need to check every change, at least briefly (depend on where
the change comes from).  That is the only way to maintain the quality.
Thus I would need a list of changes, preferably in the form of a patch.
When people change the wiki in various ways this will quickly become a

Taking the existing help files and _adding_ to them is good.  Especially
if corrections and additions are marked somehow, so that they eventually
end up in the distribution.  Otherwise links to tips can be added.

I'm currently working on the 7.1 release and then will go travelling,
thus I won't have much time to discuss the tips wiki.  I certainly
encourage everybody to make it work.  After all, a wiki is a
collaborative work!

>From "know your smileys":
 2B|^2B   Message from Shakespeare

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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///

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