Am Dienstag 15 Mai 2007 schrieb Tom Purl:

> Task:  Wiki Format Sign-Off
> Deadline:  Monday, May 21st (arbitrary, I know)

I like Template 2 more.

> How do you want to handle comments?  Typically on a Mediawiki site, you
> sign you comments like so:
>     This is so cool! ~~~~
>     ----
> Which is then saved to the page like this:
>     This is so cool! Tpurl 15:17, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It's a little ugly, but it's the norm in the wiki world.

Comment should go to the discussion page. There ugly signatures won't matter 
there. Also comments are often threaded - which is even uglier - but again - 
won't matter that much on the discussion page.

The Main page should only contain the clean and simple tip.

Martin Krischik

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