>This isn't very related to Vim, but I found this font on Vim's
>wikipedia webpage:
>Can anyone identify this font for me? It looks very good for

Ewwwwww.  That dates back to the crappy default IBM font cooked into the
BIOS for CGA monitors (typically at FFA6E in memory... *scary* I still
remember that).

I used to rip out that crappy font and put my own in, and recook my
video boards' EPROMs with my new fonts, just so I'd never ever *ever*
*EVER* have to see that ugly disgusting font even when the machine's
first booting up.

Yecch. <shudder>

That being said, it's probably listed as something with "system" in the
font name.  I imagine you're not using a normal peecee, else that should
be listed as one of the options for monospaced fonts.  Sparc box?
Anyhoo, it's listed as "fixedsys" here, 'though that might vary.

A bunch of other people posted their favorite monospaced fonts a while
ago, and some were really crisp and easy-to-look-at.  I'd seriously
suggest one of those over fixedsys.  I go blind trying to figure out '0'
from '8', etc., when I gotta work in a fake-DOS window and that's all it
has available.

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