On May 22, 2007, at 11:39 AM, fREW wrote:

Hey all,
I just updated to feisty on a samba server machine and a lot of the
vim defaults went crazy.  For example:  Pressing the Up or Down keys
in insert mode add new lines with just A or B on them, respectively.
That I can live with, but check this out, if I have the following

fREW is a silly guy

and my cursor is on the s, and I press cw, it changes to

fREW is a sill$ guy

and it works just like I had pressed cw and it replaces up the the $
or if I press escape it only has the new text I put in, but it's just
so weird!  Does anyone know where these new changes in Feisty come
from?  I wanted to just replace /etc/vim/vimrc, but it was exactly the


The letters coming from the arrow keys is probably because you don't have set nocompatible in your rc file. Not sure what the other stuff is... I am using vim on feisty right now and have never seen that stuff before :)

--Mike H

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