Brian Kalbfus wrote:
> I'm not saying to have it hit you in the face every time you launch 
> VIM.  Have a mode where you can do exploration.  Can't say it'd be aping 
> a visual interface, though; informational messages have been in text 
> interfaces from the beginning.  Vim already has this functionality with 
> command-line mode with the Ctrl-d chord and tab-completion.
> The windows keyboard accelerator kludge is essential for my gui 
> experience in Windows and Linux X-Windows.  I wouldn't use a visual OS 
> without it.  I was often annoyed at the MacOS whenever I used it  
> because you had to use the mouse for many things.  But that's another topic.
> -Brian

To find out what a command does, use the help: in Vim, unlike in other 
programs, it is complete:

For general help about the help, hit F1

To find out what commands starting with g are possible, use

        :help g

Similarly, for the Ctrl-W family of commands, use

        :help CTRL-W

For Ctrl-X in Insert mode,

        :help i_CTRL-X

mentions |ins-completion| in green. Either double-click that, or place the 
cursor on it and hit Ctrl-], and you find yourself at the same place as for

        :help ins-completion

where the various Insert-mode Ctrl-X commands are summarized.

But the Vim help is not limited to listing the effects of commands which you 
already know. If you want some command for search and replace, but have 
forgotten the name, you can (after making sure that 'wildmenu' is on and 
'compatible' is off), type

        :help search<Tab>

A menu of help tags with "search" in them will appear on the status line. 
Notice "search-replace" on the right? Hit the right arrow key until it is 
highlighted, then hit Enter.

Hmm, that doesn't look like what we wanted. Let's hit gg to get to the top of 
this helpfile and see its table of contents. Ah, |:substitute|, that's how 
it's called in Vim.

If help tag completion isn't satisfactory, you can even search the whole text 
of all help files for some word or pattern. I won't explain that in detail 
here, but it is explained under

        :help :helpgrep

Best regards,
Demographic polls show that you have lost credibility across the
board.  Especially with  those 14 year-old Valley girls.

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