On Nov 11, 2007 1:24 PM, Bram Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew Wozniski wrote:
> > Now that 88 and 256 color terminals are so ubiquitous, I find it
> > frustrating that very few colorschemes support 256 color terminals.
> > Unfortunately, writing a colorscheme that properly supports gvim, 88
> > color terminals, and 256 color terminals requires looking up the color
> > cube number that you want on at least one colorcube and often
> > including scripting logic in the colorscheme itself to handle
> > converting to the other cube (a la desert256 and inkpot).
> >
> > This patch intends to make it much easier to write 88 and 256 color
> > schemes.  This will allow a colorscheme author to write, for instance
> > hi Normal cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=#fffdfa
> > and have vim behave as though the user had typed
> > hi Normal cterm=none ctermfg=0 ctermbg=231
> > (or, for 88 colors, hi Normal cterm=none ctermfg=0 ctermbg=79)
> > based on the value of the t_Co setting.
> >
> > Not only does this take out the entire intermediate step of looking up
> > colorcube values, it also will report the color that it chose as
> > a cterm colorcube number when queried, making it very easy to tweak
> > a single value to something the author feels more appropriate.
> >
> > Also, it is quite easy to convert an existing colorscheme to work with
> > this patch; it usually is as simple as running a substitute:
> > :%s/cterm.\{-}=.\{-}\>//g
> > :%s/gui\zs\(fg\|bg\)\?=.\{-}\>/& cterm&/g
> >
> > I hope that others find this useful enough to include in future Vim
> > releases.  To that end, it also includes a patch to the relevant
> > documentation, as well as a patch to the vim.vim syntax file to no
> > longer highlight ctermfg=#rrggbb as an error.
> >
> > Feedback greatly appreciated.
> Interesting idea.  It's certainly more convenient to use the #rrggbb
> value than looking up the number.  Especially since the number depends
> on the terminal, 88 or 256 colors.
> Taking this a step further: We could also make it work for 8 and 16
> color terminals.  Instead of "blue" you would use #0000ff.  Not sure how
> complicated this will get though.  And for an 8 color terminal one would
> still need to tune the colors.

It would be even better if the best approximation of a color could be
found and used.  That is, if I specify a color of #0000fe, Vim should
be able to determine that #0000ff is the best match.

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