On Dec 21 2007, 6:44 am, "Matt Wozniski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I'd appreciate comments.  The reworked patch can be found:
(source, against SVN)
(runtime, against latest AAP)

I have tried your patches on recent vim71 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). They applied
with few small corrections. I would post the fix, but googlegroups
does not allow me include file :(. When trying to figure out, how
properly "publish" hexhex2nr I got lost, since originally it seemed
like FEAT_SYN_HL is needed, but later on it seemed that in fact
FEAT_EVAL might be sufficient to trigger scheme file loading, even
though help clearly says that +syntax is required.

Then I used the regex script posted here:

to convert my favorite scheme (darkblue). With small tweak of
background color (which was too light on xterm-256color compared to
gVim running on Windows) I got almost the same coloring. So far so

Then I found out that it is possible to use RGBified scheme with this

and it works the same way as your patch (well, on the first look).

So now I wonder, if it is worthy the hassle of patching, when in fact,
the same thing could be done just by script. Also it seems that the
point raised here about different colors for 16 and 256 is valid. For
example on darkblue-rgb I had to make blue background slightly darker,
so it will match black on 256 approximation rather than blue (which
was too blue to my likings.).


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