On Jan 21, 11:43 am, "Edward L. Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Fan,
> On Jan 20, 2008 3:03 PM, Fan Decheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here I mean on the Windows platform, using Vim 6.4 or 7.1.
> > I've encountered this problem several times, but don't know whether
> > there is a
> > solution:
> > 1. Use gvim to open a file with Chinese characters in its name. For
> > example: 测
> > 试.txt .
> > 2. Type ":set enc=utf-8" (without quotes).
> Here is a snippet from the Vim's reference:
>         NOTE: Changing this option will not change the encoding of the
>         existing text in Vim.  It may cause non-ASCII text to become invalid.
>         It should normally be kept at its default value, or set when Vim
>         starts up.  See |multibyte|.  To reload the menus see |:menutrans|.

Thanks. It seems that setting `encoding' before opening the file works.
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