2008/1/21, Edward L. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Fan,
> On Jan 21, 2008 1:30 PM, Fan Decheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > Now every write to the file is OK.  However after exiting gvim, the
> > swap
> > file is still there.
> Although your solution seems to solve part of your problem, but I
> still want to admit that modifying the "encoding" during runtime is
> really harmful for your health.  So never do that unless your are an
> expert.  If you want to change the value of "encoding", please modify
> your ".vimrc" and restart your (g)vim.  You should never modify the
> encoding when (g)vim is already running.
> Any way, if all the characters in your file can be covered by GBK,
> it's also OK for you to use GBK as your internal encoding.  To create
> a UTF-8 file:
> :set fenc=utf-8
> :w filename
> To load a UTF-8 file:
> :e ++enc=utf-8 filename
> But personally I still prefer using UTF-8 in Vim.
> > Sorry for writing this long, just for some reference.  I've read the
> > help
> > for `fencs', but I did't find it helpful to this situation.
> "fencs" has nothing to do with your original question.  Any way, I
> referred that to you just because I think you'll need it if you want
> your UTF-8 file to be recognized automatically rather than setting
> "++enc" manually every time.  You may also have a try on the plugin
> named "fencview", developed by Ming Bai and Wuyong Wei.
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> Regards,
> L. F.
> >

Thanks to your so detailed explanation! I'll try what you've said.
Sorry for my messing up the vim_dev list. I didn't know that it wasn't
a bug.

Best regards,
Fan Decheng

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