I am a <search everywhere> obsessed with vim. However I miss a lot the
feature to be able to (incremental) search in lists exactly as one searches
in windows (buffers). Such lists are useful concepts in vim, mainly as
they are similar to modal dialogs as you do not want to see them all the
time, just when you need them.

Usecase1... in my daily work it is always interesting to go back to old
messages... I have a keyboard shortcut for the messages list (ctrl _lm)...
but here the story ends. What I would love to do is to be able to search in
this list.
Usecase2... MRU. I know there are lot of MRU implementations, but all of
them they open a window and they destroy the layout of the windows...
however what I think would be clever is to have a list with MRU shown,
incremental search in it, enter, list is closed, and open file in the latest
window as a new buffer... Similar way it would be powerfull to search in a
loaded tags list, or why not, imagine a concatenated source file with all
your source code. In such a buffer of concatenated files, you could
incrementally search (I am using it often, but opened in a window), and once
you identified the correct line, enter, and the file that represents that
part of the concatenation would be opened on your last window.
 Custom lists would be very interesting, and some commands to read a list
from a file (elements of the list would be obviously the lines).
Another maybe exaggerated idea would be a feature to search inside
completion lists... I press ctrlx f/i, thousands of files listed, or items
listed, would be nice to have a shortcut
that would bring me into incremental search mode, and select faster the item
I am interested in...

If you did not understand my description I am happy to give further details.

Thank you for your attention,



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